Culture and Community
As a pioneer in cardiovascular care, we remain at the forefront of cardiovascular research.
Notable Accomplishments
In 2024, we led the charge with participation in over 120 active clinical trials, ranking among the top five global enrollers in many trials. Our extensive clinical research portfolio, coupled with a team of seasoned experts, drives advancements in innovations and care.
Increase in External Grants for Investigator-Initiated Projects
Our researchers received grant support of $3.4 million for 18 studies in 2024 across all of our service lines. These funds from the Foundation and Research Institute have been augmented by $1.7 million of industry support.
Of note, Paul Grayburn, MD, and colleagues received funds to further research mitral valve regurgitation via the CAROL Act grant. This grant was awarded to fund some of the infrastructure for the Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CSTN). CSTN provides a platform to collaborate with investigators and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to design, conduct and analyze impactful clinical trials of surgical interventions, as well as to undertake mechanistic studies and implementation science in the area of cardiovascular disease.
“From our inception, Baylor Scott & White The Heart Hospital was built on delivering cutting-ed ge cardiac care and propelling medical knowledge forward through clinical trials. We remain at the forefront of sharing our expertise through international presentations, publications and education. This dedication rings true today.”
Chief of Staff
Medical Director, Graduate and Post-Graduate Training and Publications
Molly Szerlip, MD
Associate Medical Director, Education And Research

Research Initiatives by the Numbers
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Research Initiatives
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Interventional Cardiology

Cardiac Surgery

Thoracic and Robotic Surgery